Team Emmanuel

Ministry Serving Opportunities

Alpha Table Group Hosts

Host relational circles for growth through facilitating discussion and prayer. 


Community Partnerships

Our team facilitates serving opportunities in our communities, along with special projects, and other campus outreach expressions. Our team facilitates these opportunities through building relationships and teams to meet real needs according to our Emmanuel Community Partnership strategic plan.   


Complimentary Coffee Brewer

Our team ensures that there is enough complimentary coffee to keep the whole church happily caffeinated, by brewing and creating a warm, welcoming environment. 


Connect Center Host

Our team connects with first time guest by answering questions, encouraging them to return and to find a place to belong.  


Connect Group Host

Our team hosts relational circles for growth through hospitality, facilitating discussion and prayer. 


Emmanuel Café Team

Our team brings a personal touch to our worship experiences by making specialty coffee drinks.  

At SLP , Elk River and Maple Grove Locations


Emmanuel Care Team

This ministry is designed to provide appropriate and compassionate spiritual care to the people of Emmanuel and the Community in times of need. These needs include hospitalization, health challenges, crisis intervention, widows, shut-ins, nursing home visits, and for those dealing with loss and grief.  

Background check, membership required.  


Equip Group Leaders

Facilitate relational circles for healing and freedom in peoples’ lives.  



Our team facilitates the Emmanuel experience by setting up before service and taking down after service. 


First Impressions Volunteer Room Host

Our team hosts our First Impressions Team members by providing food and encouragement during services and special events. 


Growth Track Host

Our team serves as the hosts of the Growth Track, greeting guests, and providing materials and assistance to those discovering their next steps at Emmanuel. 



Our team has a thriving Hispanic service that meets on Wednesday nights, we have several areas of serving; worship, greeting, Connect Center, and Information Table. This team also helps connect and translate our services for our Spanish speaking members by handing out headphone sets on Sunday mornings.  


Intercessory Prayer Team

Provides a prayer covering during our weekend services.  


Kids Ministry

Our team invests in the lives of children through live worship, Biblical & Holy Spirit-driven teaching, age-appropriate hands-on activities, Connect Groups, and games. We also have a First Impressions team and a special needs class.  

Background check 


Lobby Greeters

Our team welcomes people to Emmanuel at the front doors of the entrance to the auditorium with a smile. 


Medical Team

Our team of health care professionals serves by providing basic medical care in the event of an accident or emergency. 

Medical certification, Background check 



Mission trips aren’t just a part of what we do, but it’s part of the fabric of who we are. It’s our desire that everyone who calls Emmanuel home would go on a mission trip. Youth, Young Adult, Family and Adult trips are available every year.  

Background Check. 


Online Chat Host

Online team hosts the live stream every Sunday, providing a great first impression and praying virtually for needs.



Parking Lot

Our team serves as the first impression for those coming to Emmanuel by welcoming people on and off the property and by providing a safe and efficient parking experience, as well as driving the golf cart. 

Age: 15+ 


Prayer Team

Our team provides prayer covering for services, teams, and ministries at Emmanuel with people at the end of each service.  


Sanctuary Host

Our team assists people to their seats, facilitates the offering, and helps maintain a distraction-free service environment. 


Time of Your Life

Our team works with the Pastor to oversee TOYL, our 55+ ministry by communicating with people, connect group coaches, events, and pastoral care.  




Our team uses the gift of discernment to provide security to all the events at church. 

Age: 18+, Background check 


Water Baptism

Our team prepares for and hosts the Emmanuel baptism experience. 



Our team facilitates an atmosphere for a powerful worship experience through music and production.  

Background Check, 


Youth Ministry

Our team helps students get connected to our Emmanuel Students ministry through Connect Groups, campsand weekly services.  

Background check