Service Times:
Spring Lake Park: 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:30 AM
Maple Grove: 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM
Elk River: 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM


No, we won’t have live worship in the parking lot BUT those that are not able to join us in the room because of pre-existing medical conditions are free to come park and worship with us from the parking lot on your phones!

It is so great to be back and we can’t wait to see you this weekend, or the coming weekends!

We are so excited to worship with you on-campus! We believe we can safely gather to worship and ask that you please observe and practice our phase-one reopening guidelines

  • Seating front to back – putting your safety and the safety of our other Emmanuel families first, our aisle hosts will help seat you appropriately distanced. Will be filling the front rows of seats in the sanctuary first. This will also allow us to help accommodate those that arrive after service has started. 
  • We are committing to increased cleanliness in our facility. Our team will be wiping down surfaces and door handles in between and during services.
  • There will be hand sanitizer throughout the lobbies and restrooms – please help us by keeping your hands clean and sanitized!
  • Our first impression team is beyond excited to welcome you back through the doors of Emmanuel! They will be honored to open the exterior and sanctuary doors for you and your family!
  • To limit the number of surfaces you have to touch we will not be passing anything out at the doors or down the rows during services, like buckets or bulletins. We have a great app! Download it today and have all of the happenings at your fingertips! Through our Emmanuel app, you can present your tithes and KB giving, and submit a prayer request!
  • Air high-fives! No touching!
  • Services will be one hour in length to assist in keeping the facilities clean between services.


  • Enter parking lot from Osborne
  • Look for parking volunteers to direct you to a row
  • Enter and exit Door 2
  • It will be our pleasure to assist you in seating
  • Entrance through door 1
  • Exit through doors 1, 2 & 3
  • (Door 4 will remain closed)
  • Enter and exit at main doors
  • It will be our pleasure to assist you in seating


Our Leadership

The Pastoral Staff team is led by the Senior Pastor Nate Ruch. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. 

The Pastoral Staff team is led by the Senior Pastor Nate Ruch. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. 

Pastor Nathan Grams

Spring Lake Park

Pastor Jeff Ruch

Maple Grove

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