Equip Groups

What is an Equip Group?

Equip Groups are classroom style groups that are specifically designed to help an individual through a crisis.  We offer:

·       Divorce Care – 13 week video curriculum series (2 times a year)

·       Grief Share – 13 week video curriculum series (2 times a year)

·       Financial Peace – 9 week video curriculum series to help with financial freedom (1 x year)

·       Men’s Purity (year-round)

·       12 Step (12-week series)


We also offer these courses:

·       Alpha (2-3 times a year) with a Holy Spirit Retreat

·       Pre-marriage Perspective (3 times a year)

·       Encounter Retreat (twice a year)

Leading an Equip group is an honor, but it can also have some challenges. Many people find themselves in trying circumstances. Whether it is an addiction, personal crisis, or challenge, we as a church can come alongside and offer hope and healing. This handbook is designed to sharpen your skills as you come alongside others.

Getting Started:

The best candidates for leading an Equip Group are individuals gifted in teaching, who have life experience related to the topic, and are spiritually mature. These are the steps you can take to get started:

1.    Complete Growth Track (if you have not done so already)

2.    Meet with the locations pastor and let him/her know you are interested in leading an Equip group. They will help determine your best fit and the location need.  Starting out as an assistant is ideal.

3.    The Location Pastor will contact the Central Resource Director to have you added as a church contact on the church account for those teaching Divorce Care, Grief Share, Alpha, or Financial Peace.  This will give you access to training material and resources.

4.    The Location Pastor will train you, request rooms and resources for your class.

5.    The Location Pastor will work with you to determine the time, place and add your group to the group finder.

Our Leadership

The Pastoral Staff team is led by the Senior Pastor Nate Ruch. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. 

The Pastoral Staff team is led by the Senior Pastor Nate Ruch. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. 

Pastor Nathan Grams

Spring Lake Park

Pastor Jeff Ruch

Maple Grove

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