Join us Sundays:

8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 AM
(Kids Ministry available all services)

Join us Wednesdays:

Emmanuel Youth & Kids 7pm

Pastor Bryan and Joy Talso

Bryan and Joy Talso began their involvement in ministry in 1999 when they got married. They’ve served as volunteers in kids, youth, and young adults ministry before they came on staff at Emmanuel. Since 2004 they’ve worked full-time with the Young Adults, Connect Groups, Community Partnerships, and Pastoral Care. They are very excited to continue to serve Emmanuel as Location Pastors at the Elk River Campus. They have four children, Jocelyn, Joelle, Brayden, and Joanna.

Our Leadership

The Pastoral Staff team is led by the Senior Pastor Nate Ruch. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. 

The Pastoral Staff team is led by the Senior Pastor Nate Ruch. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. 

Pastor Nathan Grams

Spring Lake Park

Pastor Jeff Ruch

Maple Grove

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